Mobile Application
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Tasmee app is simply the first and one of its kind in offering you the ability to test your Quran Memorization (Hifz) only by Reciting (Tasmee), the system will listen to you, help you when you are stuck and warn you when you recite wrong words or verses, thanks to the bliss of Speech Recognition Technology,

Quran word meaning
Holly Quran Word Meaning and ayah Tafseer (the interpretation) This application does not need to
connect to the Internet You can simply read the Holly Quran through the application which contains
the Holly Quran was provided by the King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Quran
When you touch the green words gives you the meaning of the word
When you touch the verse number it gives you the Tafseer (the interpretation)

Tasmee app is simply the first and one of its kind in offering you the ability to test your Quran Memorization (Hifz) only by Reciting (Tasmee), the system will listen to you, help you when you are stuck and warn you when you recite wrong words or verses, thanks to the bliss of Speech Recognition Technology

Property tax project
The purpose of this project is to serve the citizens through their smartphones (iOS &Android) to inquire about their tax and rents application that only used by municipalityemployee.

This application enables municipality employee to collect rental amount from tenant whether
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